Finding suitable specialists and executives for open vacancies in a short time!
With us, it's possible!

Headhunting and International Headhunting
Executive Search and Consulting

Top talent for international positions and assignments

We find highly qualified, multilingual, and experienced candidates for international companies. Specialists and executives with international experience who are perfectly suited for demanding positions, such as global sales positions.

Our range of services in Executive Search and International Headhunting

This extends from conducting candidate interviews to creating interview guidelines, designing assessment centers, and drafting employment contracts and incentives.

International Talents

Why limit your search for the best talents to Germany alone?
We support companies in finding specialists, skilled workers, academics, and executives from across Europe and the international market. Receive competent and multilingual candidate profiles from our international headhunters in record time. Our team is internationally and multilingual. We offer communication in German, English, or Spanish.
International recruiting can bring great opportunities for companies and can be an approach to addressing the shortage of skilled workers.

Ruth Vijande-Rodriguez

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Find top talents instead of just searching for them.

Learn in a personal initial consultation how you can benefit from our expert knowledge.

Personalised, individual and targeted.

Your contact person
Ruth Vijande-Rodriguez

Some of our services in national and international recruiting

Executive Search – Analog and Digital

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to focus solely on traditional (analog) recruiting methods, such as direct approach via phone. The digital world, including active sourcing and algorithm-driven digital multi-channel search, is becoming increasingly important.

We, therefore, pursue a combined approach that unites the advantages of both worlds to find the best talents for our partners – both in Germany and abroad.

Selection Processes – Checking Candidates' Qualifications and Competencies

Through detailed, personal interviews and phone calls with candidates and references, our headhunters assess the personal and professional qualifications of the candidates in a candidate profile.

We carefully check whether the qualifications and competencies of the candidates enable them to successfully handle the upcoming tasks and requirements in your company. In doing so, we place special emphasis on understanding the personal and professional motivations of the candidates and analyzing their career paths.

We also evaluate whether the candidates' salary expectations are market-appropriate and align with your expectations. Additionally, we clarify when a candidate is available.

Applying for EU Funding

Our personnel consultant remains your contact throughout the entire search and selection process and supports you in all organizational matters, such as applying for funding.

Job Postings in the Best Job Boards and All National Languages

We have extensive knowledge of the relevant job boards in the target countries. As part of our sourcing process, the personnel consultant drafts and places job postings in the best job boards in the languages relevant to your search (German, Spanish, English, etc.).

Tests – Psychometric and Language

We use proven psychometric tests that adhere to the guidelines of international psychology associations. These tests help us to systematically capture and evaluate a wealth of valuable job-relevant information. This includes information on leadership behavior, consulting or sales style, and insights into the future employee's work attitude, goal orientation, and decisiveness.

Our multilingual consultants systematically assess applicants' language proficiency in German, English, or Spanish, both orally and in writing. This ensures that applicants have the required language skills, even if you do not speak the language yourself.

Establishing a Comprehensive Welcome Culture for Integration

Our personnel consultancy acts as a trustworthy partner at eye level throughout the entire process, both for you and the candidates. We accompany both parties beyond the signing of the contract and strive to retain employees in your company in the long term. This includes considering various aspects such as communication, corporate culture, appreciation, advancement opportunities, and leadership style.

Why Choose Us?

Risk-Free Offer: Reduce Recruiting Costs

Our personnel consultant remains your contact throughout the entire search and selection process and supports you in all organizational matters, such as applying for funding.

Speed: Reduce Your Time-to-Hire

Get to know suitable candidates usually within just 14 days. Our average placement times are less than 90 days.

Specialization: Working with Intercultural Experts

As an international team specializing in various fields, we understand the needs of your company in the global competition.

Methodology and Process of an Executive Search

Situation Analysis, Requirements Development, and Search Strategy Definition

To find the right candidate for you, we get to know your company and the current situation through a phone call or personal meeting.
Once we have an overview of the relevant area, your company culture, and the resulting requirements, we work together to create a requirements profile. .
We define a concrete search strategy and milestones for the recruitment and selection process.

The better we know you and your requirements, the more efficiently and quickly we can support you in your search. Here, details about your product and service portfolio, company culture, and employee structure are as important as all relevant information regarding the position to be filled. Your personal recruitment consultant will capture your search and desired criteria and assist you in refining the requirements profile, if necessary.

The following criteria, among others, are recorded:

  • Primary requirements profile (education, work experience, know-how, etc.)
  • Desired professional, industry-specific, and language skills
  • Hierarchical integration into the company organization
  • Soft skills necessary/beneficial for the role
  • Intercultural competencies
  • Contract modalities (fixed-term, permanent, part-time/full-time, interim, executive, etc.)
  • Work location and desired start date
  • Context in which the employee will be hired, their role in your company, and development prospects
  • Salary

The candidate profile developed together serves as the working basis to guarantee the presentation of suitable candidates. Based on a clear understanding of your requirements, we immediately begin the search to present suitable applicants to you as quickly as possible.

Start of Active Recruitment and Candidate Identification

Building on the defined search strategy, we systematically develop target company lists using our industry expertise, network, and target company database.

After systematically capturing all relevant target companies, we use our database, recommendations from our network, search engines, social networks, and the telephone to identify candidates.

The search is conducted using various sourcing methods. The choice of methods is individualized and also depends on the requirements profile.

  • Algorithm-driven multi-channel search
  • Direct search / executive search
  • Online and offline search
  • Network groups, social media
  • Candidate activation via national & international databases
  • Trade fairs, job events, seminars
  • Advertisement-supported campaigns

Interviews, Testing, and Pre-selection

To present the first candidates to you within 2-4 weeks, we rely on classic communication channels such as phone and email, as well as efficiently utilizing social networks. We reach and persuade candidates at the right time with the right content across all channels so that they enter the application process. Your consultant analyses the candidate response, evaluates and selects the applications, and identifies the most suitable candidates by reviewing the documents, including the verification of references from companies and universities worldwide. In a structured interview, we assess professional and personal suitability, motivation, and the framework conditions. After reviewing the documents, we make a preliminary selection and decide which candidates will be interviewed.

Assessment of professional & practical competences (hard skills)

Our recruitment consultants are usually specialized in one or more industries. This enables them to accurately determine whether the applicants truly possess the qualifications required for the position. Additionally, all our consultants are well-versed in the recognition of degrees both in Germany, Spain, and other countries. They are also familiar with the comparability of training from various countries.

Our Psychometric Tests (Soft Skills)

The following criteria, among others, are captured in the tests:

  • Analysis of workplace abilities, social and emotional qualities, candidates' demands, and values.
  • Evaluation of commercial potential: skills and motivation in the sales area (customer acquisition, closing deals, and customer retention).
  • Evaluation of leadership qualities: behavioural competencies and approach as a manager and leader.
  • Evaluation of candidate behaviour under various working conditions

A comprehensive analysis of these tests will be provided to you in the applicant dossier.

Presentation of Candidates to the Client

If the candidate meets your company's requirements, we create an informative candidate profile for you, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate, thoroughly examining their professional and personal suitability, and explaining the candidate's motivation and actual willingness to change.

This saves you time and allows you to gain a comprehensive overview of the candidate before a telephone consultation with us.

The candidate profile includes, among other things:

  • An objective evaluation (strengths-weaknesses analysis), results of language, personality, and aptitude tests (if desired)
  • Salary expectations
  • Candidate availability
  • Candidate mobility
  • Resume
  • Work references or verification of references
  • Other proofs and relevant documents

Consultation in the Selection Process with the Client

Typically, within the third week after the search begins, depending on the complexity of the search, you will receive the first applicant dossiers. For our clients, we leave nothing to chance. We present at least three candidates that meet your search criteria within 6 weeks.

After presenting the candidates, we support you in your selection process according to your wishes. A joint evaluation of the presented profiles and your feedback are of crucial importance. We consider it our task to advise you with confidence, taking into account all evaluation results, to find the ideal candidate together with you.

 Your assessments also enable us to make adjustments and refinements to the search if necessary

If you are interested in candidates who match the requirements profile sufficiently, we assist you in organizing initial interviews. These can take place by phone, via video conference, on-site at your company, or in our offices.

Throughout the entire process, we act as your trusted partner on equal footing and support you even beyond the contract signing.

Aftercare & trial period guarantee

We offer you further support throughout the selection and hiring process:

  • Assistance with all administrative and organizational matters
  • Strategic consulting for business development, among other areas
  • Advice and support for salary negotiations
  • Intercultural management and intercultural communication
  • Drafting of the employment contract or legal advice
  • Post-hire support through regular feedback discussions
  • Support during the entire onboarding period (communication and conflict management)
  • Payroll services

Despite careful evaluation of the candidate by both parties, it may still happen that the employment relationship is terminated after a few weeks or months. Regardless of the reason for termination, we offer our clients a free replacement search within the first six months after hiring. We remain at your side as a consultant throughout the entire collaboration.


Construction Industry
Construction Industry
Technology & Engineering
Technology & Engineering Sciences
Machine construction
Mechanical Engineering
IT & Digitalization
IT & Digitalization

We find the best talents for you with the right professional, social, and personal competences. Both nationally and internationally. In the shortest time possible. Meet suitable candidates within 14 days!